Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The 12 year old girl can save Canada Banking System !

This 12 year old girl can save Canada Banking System !

 Victoria Grant video on Canadian banking system goes viral !

 It's rather remarkable that a 12-year-old girl has taken it upon herself to lay a verbal beating on the state of Canadian banking but that's exactly what Victoria Grant has done and in a most convincing fashion.

share it !

Saturday, May 05, 2012

The Internet is My Religion

Inspiring Talk: The Internet is My Religion

Vancouver Feng Shui Master Joe sent a link of the inspiring talk: "The Internet is My Religion" to cancer patients.

Gemstone Jewellery and Feng Shui

Gemstone Jewellery and Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese method to balance the constantly changing forces of the natural world and to create peace, harmony and prosperity in your home and family. The ancient Chinese divided the universe into five elements: water, fire, wood, metal and earth. Each element embodies one of the basic energies that shape all events and processes. If the energies of the world flow well within your home, it will result in a relaxing but energizing space, which is at once welcoming and calming. As part of this method, gemstones can be used to help to balance the energy of your home.

Gemstones are perfect for Feng Shui work because they are formed through the powerful dynamic processes of nature. As a result, gemstones embody the energy of the elements that are central to feng shui. Depending on how particular gemstones are created, they contain specific elemental energies. For example, peridot or obsidian invoke fire because both are formed as a by product of volcanic action, or in the case of peridot, even from a fiery meteor.

Traditional Feng Shui positions these five elements, or objects that represent them, in a particular location in order to balance the elemental energies. In gemstone feng shui, gemstones and crystals are used in place of other objects.

To apply gemstone energy to your environment, you can use the Feng Shui tool known as the Lo Shu grid, or Magic Square, which divides space into nine sections or directions. Each square represents certain attributes and associations, as follows:

Friday, May 04, 2012

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MLM and pyramid scams : USANA scams or not

MLM and pyramid scams : USANA scams or not

Some people think Usana is a scam  : 

 A Review Of Why There Is A High Failure Rate

I think it is not a scam :

I checked BBB,org , The result is A+ . 

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Feng Shui financial corner and Feng shui cure

Feng Shui financial corner and Feng shui cure Feng shui is the famous Chinese system of aesthetics that uses the laws of heaven and earth to improve one's life by receiving positive energy from the universe. Feng shui is believed to change lives of people by guiding in positive energy or chi into their lives that brings along prosperity and good luck. There are a set of guidelines that are set up by feng shui that you can use in your favour to make arrangements at your home, office, or any other living space. All it takes to prosper using feng shui is to have belief and faith in the changes that you bring about in your space and have a positive outlook towards life. We are creatures of habit and these habits and our immediate surroundings reveal much about ourselves. Feng shui guidelines target and instruct us to make small changes in these habits and our immediate environment. If you are looking for Feng Shui financial corner and Feng shui cure tips for business and office spaces, scroll down and take a look at a few important guidelines. The fax machine, telephone and computers should be given space near the wealth area or the future wealth area for a business to prosper. The furniture in the office should be arranged in a manner that allows chi to flow smoothly all through the office. In order to be the leader in your chosen field of business, place a dragon on the right hand side of your desk facing the window. The dragon can be placed directly opposite a water fountain for best results. Make it a point to place the cash box in the wealth corner of your shop. You will also have to place Chinese coins tied together with a red ribbon in the office. Avoid decorating your surrounding with cactus or other sharp looking plants. Sharp objects are believed to cause "Sha Chi" or flow of negative energy into the office. The main door of your office should not open into your table, as chi coming into the office will overwhelm you. This will create problems and obstacles and not good luck. Make it a point to ensure that the manager's office or cabin does not have two doors. Having two doors will make chi entering from one door leave from the second door.  You can also consider hanging a crystal at the entrance of your office. Crystals are believed to enhance the effectiveness of chi in the area. Avoid placing an empty vase near the main door since it will suck chi as it enters your office space. The signboard of the office should be placed in the wealth area of the office. This prevents any competitors from defeating you. It is advisable for you to place a three legged toad god next to the main door. The toad god should be facing the inside of the office to guide in luck and prosperity. Leave a coin in the mouth of the toad god. Place Fu Dogs, male and female, near the door of your office.

“笑翻温哥华”系列活动之三 : 山寨笑星喜相会





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